Plugin Hooks
Plugin hooks allow plugins to modify the template during the various lifecycle events.
processAST(buffer, config)
The processAST
hook allows you to modify the AST.
var layoutRegExp = /^@\s*layout\s*\(\s*"([^]*)"\)$/
module.exports = {
processAST: function (buffer, config) {
var firstItem = buffer[0]
if (firstItem.t === "e") {
var val = firstItem.val.trim()
if (layoutRegExp.test(val)) {
var layoutMatch = layoutRegExp.exec(val)
var filePath = layoutMatch[1]
var useLayoutCode =
"tR=" +
(env.async ? "await " : "") +
'E.includeFile("' +
filePath +
buffer.push({ t: "e", val: useLayoutCode })
return buffer
processFnString(fnString, config)
The processFnString
hook allows you to modified the compiled function string which is used for prerendering.
module.exports = {
processFnString: function (fnString, config) {
return `var add=(a,b)=>a+b;${fnString}`